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Crisis Quick Reference: Image

Ensure that you and other people around you are safe. Call the emergency services on 999 or 112 and explain the situation. Provide emergency First Aid if safe to do so. For specific incidents, please follow the advice below.


  • Call 999 or 112

  • Remember DRABC

  • Check for danger

  • Try and get a response - open their airway and check their breathing

  • If unconscious and breathing normally, place patient in Recovery Position


  • Call 999 or 112

  • Remember DRABC

  • Check for danger

  • Try and get a response - open their airway and check their breathing

  • If unconscious and not breathing normally, start CPR

  • Place your hands in the middle of the casualty's chest

  • Press down hard and fast 30 times

  • Place your mouth over the casualty's mouth and blow into their mouth gently twice, keep repeating this 30:2 until emergency services arrive

  • If this is a child (up to the age of 18), give them five rescue breaths before starting compressions

Crisis Quick Reference: Team


  • Stand to the side of the casualty

  • Support them with your arm across their chest, lean them forward

  • With the heel of your hand, give them up to five sharp blows between their shoulder blades

  • Check between each blow in case the object has come out

  • After five blows, if this has not worked, call 999 or 112

  • Now stand behind the casualty, and wrap your arms around their waist

  • Find the soft area between their belly button and the bottom of the rib cage

  • Clinch one fist and place your other fist on top of the hand

  • Pull in and up sharply up to five times

  • If this does not remove the obstacle repeat the back blow and the abdominal thrusts until something changes

Crisis Quick Reference: Team
Image by Li Yang


  • Call 999 or 112

  • Remember DRABC

  • Check for danger

  • Try and get a response - open their airway and check their breathing

  • If unconscious and not breathing normally, start CPR

  • Give the casualty five rescue breaths, then place your hands in the middle of the casualty's chest, press down hard and fast 30 times

  • Place your mouth over the casualty's mouth and blow into their mouth gently twice

  • Keep repeating this 30:2 until emergency services arrive

Image by lilartsy


  • Sit the person down (on the floor is the best) with gloved hands if possible

  • Apply direct pressure over the wound

  • Secure a dressing over the wound (this need to be applied tightly)

  • If blood comes through the dressing, apply a second over the top tighter (up to 2 dressings)

  • If the casualty is showing signs of shock, lay them on their back and rest their legs

  • Call 999 or 112 

Crisis Quick Reference: Team

07733 466070

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